10 ways to achieve a healthy prostate by increasing your oxygen intake
Oxygen is essential for proper health. In order for our prostate to be healthy, we need to take care of our whole body! Here are ways to maintain or improve your prostate health for a long, prosperous life.
Diaphragmatic Breathing- How we inhale is important. Inhaling fresh air is important, as well. Using your diaphragm, for deep breaths help circulate oxygen to your body. Your red blood cells (erythrocytes) carry the oxygen throughout your body. Take deep breaths through your nose, for the best results. Deep breathing using your diaphragm is essential for optimal health.
Exercise Outdoors- Exercising anywhere is a good idea. Exercising outdoors combine physical activity with fresh air. You are building muscle tone through exercise. Also, oxygen is getting into your body by physical activity and breathing. Both are beneficial for your health! So, let’s get the best results in a minimum amount of time. Whether you are a beginner or professional athlete, exercise is essential. Go at your own pace and maximize your potential. 30 minutes a day, 5 days a week can be a guideline.
Drink Plenty of Clean Water- H2O is essential for proper health. Drinking clean, fresh water hydrates your body and brings oxygen into your cells. Drinking alkaline water will raise your pH balance. Water also flushes your system to help your organs operate at their potential. 48 ounces of water a day is a good starting point. Be practical. If you will not be by a bathroom or you’re taking a long flight, adjust your water intake appropriately. If you will be home all day, increase your water intake. If you juice, then count that as part of your water intake. Of course, the percentage of water in the juice and what you juice, should all be in the calculations.
Juicing Your Food- Juicing your food allows you to get more nutrients without consuming bulks of raw vegetables and fruit. The juicer or blender, gives you a large quantity of nutrients, without having to eat so much raw food. Blenders keep the fiber, so you get more nutrients. Juicers go faster into your bloodstream. Use whichever you prefer. Just do it consistently.
Maintain the proper pH balance- Your blood pH (power of Hydrogen) balance is essential for proper health. Your pH balance should be at 7.4. From 0 to 7 is acidic. 7 to 14 is alkaline. The proper balance helps prevent or eliminate diseases. Proper nutrition of raw vegetables, fruit, and nuts helps your pH balance. Drinking clean water helps. Being too acidic can cause acidosis, and too alkaline can cause alkalosis. The proper balance is key to optimal prostate health.
Indoor Plants- Indoor plants provide oxygen to us. We provide carbon dioxide to plants. It is healthy to have indoor plants for the plants and for us. (Of course plants are most at home outside in soil). An oxygen rich home environment helps our health. Indoor plants provide oxygen and a sense of peace. Taking care of plants is relaxing and medicinal.
Meditation- Peaceful, quiet times of relaxation is medicine for the mind. Add prana breathing and that helps your body. Stress reduction, a healthy body, a healthy mind, and a healthy spirit can all be achieved through meditation. Morning meditation can make the difference of a peaceful day or a stressful day. Take time to take care of yourself!
Kegel Exercises- Kegel exercises are often associated with women. Kegel exercises are helpful for men and the prostate because (over time) it increases the blood flow to the prostate (and reproductive system), it helps with erections, it increases stamina, and they are easy to do. Incorporating kegel exercises in your exercise routine will increase your prostate health.
Reduce Stress- Reducing or eliminating stress is great for your health. You can exercise, eat right, and meditate, but stress can still kill you! Reducing stress is essential for proper health. Internally, meditate to be at peace of mind. Exercise to increase your muscle mass, reduce fat, and increase your oxygen levels. Drinking water conducts the natural foods to the proper organs. Confront any issues from childhood, relationships, marriage, divorce, work, and overall life with professional help, and to get a sense of resolution, not for others, but for yourself! Once you resolve your issues, everything else will fall into place!
Get the Proper Rest- Sleep is when your body regenerates itself. Your body can not fully operate on improper rest. You should sleep 6 to 8 hours a night. Depending on how well you take care of your body, mind, and spirit helps determine the amount of sleep you need. The healthier you are, the less sleep you might need! Of course, everyone is different, so determine how much sleep you need on your productivity after certain amounts of sleep, and adjust accordingly. Proper rest leads to a healthy life!
Enjoy Life! This will help you live a healthy, long, and prosperous life! Your prostate will thank you!
Prostate Health in 90 Days, by Larry Clap,
Dr Glenn Gero https://holisticnaturopath.com/
The Schachter Center http://www.schactercenter.com/
The Linus Pauling Institute
Dr Sebi
Andreas Moritz (book) Cancer is Not a Disease,
DrWeil.com (book) Spontaneous Healing
Book, The Tao of Sexology by Stephen T Chang,
Book, Molecules of Emotion by Candice Pert,
Holistic Prostate Health group on Facebook